OACIQ podcasts

Important notice

The content of OACIQ podcasts is not exhaustive and is not meant to present all professional practice obligations of a licensee. It is the licensee’s responsibility to know and comply with all  his or her obligations under the Real Estate Brokerage Act and its regulations and to follow their development.


Series: Protecting vulnerable people and preventing real estate abuse (available in French only)

Episode: The real estate broker’s role in protecting a vulnerable client

Find out how OACIQ licensees can protect vulnerable clients in complex transactions. The podcast explores best practices to prevent real estate abuse and provide essential support for senior citizens or vulnerable people.

Host: Catherine Pommet, Assistant Syndic, OACIQ
Guests: Marie-Claude Giguère, Real Estate Broker specialized in transactions involving senior citizens and Patrick Hiriart, Ombudsman and Expert Advisor at the OACIQ.

Episode: Preventing real estate risks for vulnerable people

Find out about the signs of conflict of interest to watch for in real estate transactions involving senior citizens or vulnerable people. This podcast is for close relatives and explores important topics, such as the ban on pocket listing sales and other risky situations. Learn how to recognize problems and protect your close relatives.

Host: Catherine Pommet, Assistant Syndic, OACIQ
Guest: Patrick Hiriart, Ombudsman and Expert Advisor at the OACIQ

Buyer support and BCP or NOTICE-BCP forms (available in French only)

There are two ways to support a buyer. First of all, there is buyer’s representation which consists in providing personalized advice and a purchase strategy, with 100% expertise that leads to the signing of an exclusive brokerage contract to purchase (BCP).

Then there is fair treatment which consists in giving objective information. This information can be provided by the seller's broker or by a collaborating broker without any contract or advice. It is essential that this information be clear and transparent to the buyer. This is why it is necessary to explain to him the NOTICE-BCP form and have him sign it. You will find all the important information on this topic in this episode on buyer support and BCP or NOTICE-BCP forms.

Host: Sandra Barrette
Guest: Nicolas Rioux, Director – Legal Affairs

Episode : Buyer support and BCP or NOTICE-BCP forms

Double representation ban – What does this mean for a buyer or seller? (available in French only)

As of June 2022, real estate brokers can no longer represent both a seller and a buyer for the same property. In this podcast, we explain the practical implications of this rule. We also clarify the crucial distinction between representing a buyer and treating him fairly.

Host: Alexandre Molinier
Guest: Sandra Barrette, Director – Info OACIQ and Certification

Episode : Double representation ban – What does this mean for a buyer or seller?

Selling a property with confidence (available in French only)

Selling a property is a major undertaking, and you do well to want to ensure you have all the information you need. These episodes explain the main steps involved in selling your property with the help of a broker and contain many practical tips to bring your real estate transaction to fruition to your entire satisfaction. What elements does the brokerage contract to sell contain? What is the difference between an exclusive and a non-exclusive contract? Is the Declarations by the seller of the immovable form mandatory? Get answers to these questions and much more in this series dealing specifically with this topic.

Host: Catherine Pommet
Guests: Sandra Barrette, Director – Info OACIQ and Certification  |  Marie-Claude Benoît, Coordinator – Info OACIQ

Episode : Selling a property with confidence - Before the transaction

Episode : Selling a property with confidence - During the transaction

Episode : Selling a property with confidence - After the transaction

Buying a property with confidence (available in French only)

Ready to buy a property? Even if this is not your first purchase, you do well to want to ensure you have all the information you need. How to be well prepared before, during and after this real estate transaction, which is the most important transaction in a person's life. What elements should not be overlooked? How can the Real Estate Brokerage Act protect you? Get answers to all these questions and much more in these episodes dealing specifically with this topic.

Host: Catherine Pommet
Guests: Sandra Barrette, Director – Info OACIQ and Certification  |  Guylaine Turgeon, Agent – Info OACIQ

Episode : Buying a property with confidence - Before the transaction

Episode : Buying a property with confidence - During the transaction

Episode : Buying a property with confidence - After the transaction


Last updated on: June 17, 2024
Reference number: 226248