Public articles

January 25, 2021

Buyers and sellers must fully understand the importance of their rights and the consequences of a hasty purchase

The Chambre des notaires du Québec and the OACIQ are joining their voices to remind buyers of the consequences of waiving rights by hastily signing and accepting an offer to purchase.

December 14, 2020
December 09, 2020

OACIQ’s initiatives to tackle money laundering

In 2022-2023, several initiatives have been implemented to tackle financial crimes. Learn more.

December 08, 2020

Legal resources at your disposal to protect your interests

Au cours de votre transaction, il se peut que votre courtier vous dirige vers un expert en droit reconnu, tel un avocat ou un notaire, afin de répondre à vos questions d’ordre juridique et ainsi protéger les intérêts des différentes parties à la transaction.

May 11, 2020

Professional practices guide during the COVID-19 period

Through this guide, we inform you of the best practices suggested as part of the implementation of the government’s health rules.

April 27, 2020

Consequences for the broker who fails to meet his obligations

As a licence holder, you must ensure that you meet certain regulatory obligations to keep your record up to date. 

March 19, 2020

The OACIQ reacts to a report on money laundering in real estate transactions

The OACIQ, the authority of real estate brokerage in Quebec, is extremely concerned about the content of the report and reiterates that real estate brokers are required to report any risky transactions in order to protect consumers.

October 30, 2019

The OACIQ takes action to increase real estate literacy

The OACIQ will hold an event at the National Assembly to discuss with elected officials the need to democratize and popularize real estate transactions with the general public.

September 19, 2019

Buyer’s Guide and Seller’s Guide

The OACIQ offers you two new tools to better understand the many steps of a real estate transaction.

August 26, 2019

High-risk areas for pyrite: Broker responsibilities

Pyrite issues have been identified in cities of the Greater Montreal area. The OACIQ urges real estate brokers to inform their clients of the problems related to pyrite and to recommend the specific actions described below.

Property off the market, termination of contract: Concepts not to be confused

If the seller may no longer wish to sell his immovable during the term of an irrevocable brokerage contract, your broker may, after agreement, put an end to the contract (termination). If there is no agreement, he must take the property off the market.

Broker’s duty to disclose: An added protection

The real estate broker has the obligation to inform the parties engaged in a transaction of any known factor that may adversely affect buyers or sellers or the very object of transaction.

July 03, 2019

OACIQ Ombudsman

Any member of the public who believes he or she has been the victim of inappropriate treatment or decision by the OACIQ may contact the Ombudsman when all other remedies have been exhausted.

June 14, 2019

Signing a brokerage contract to sell, purchase or lease an immovable

When the owner of a residential immovable chooses to sell through a real estate broker, he must sign a brokerage contract. The same applies to the buyer if the broker wishes to ask him for compensation and to the lessor concerning lease matters.

June 13, 2019

Brokerage contract: The right to change one's mind

Signing a brokerage contract is an act that should be taken seriously. This is why you may, under certain conditions, terminate any contract signed between you and a real estate broker to sell, buy, lease or exchange a residential property. This is called the right to cancel.

May 23, 2019

Ten actions taken by the OACIQ for public trust

The OACIQ publishes Trust in action – Highlights 2018 which presents the various actions taken by the Organization over the past year to fulfill the important mission entrusted to it by the Government of Quebec–to protect consumers.

Homes used to grow cannabis: Permanent stigmas

The OACIQ Discipline Committee suspended the licence of two real estate brokers involved in the sale of a property that may have been used to grow cannabis.

April 04, 2019

Bill 16: The OACIQ supports the efforts to regulate building inspection and divided co-ownership

The measures set out in Bill 16 are an excellent basis for discussion concerning building inspection and divided co-ownership. The OACIQ intends to actively participate in the enhancement of what is proposed in order to establish safer guidelines for the public.

March 05, 2019

Fraud Prevention Month: Once again the OACIQ undertakes to closely monitor illegal brokerage schemes

In this fraud prevention month, the OACIQ reiterates its commitment to closely monitor real estate fraudulent practices, especially illegal brokerage activities, and invites consumers to take some precautions.

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